Making your water heater safe after water heater installation service is not the only objective of a certified, professional plumber. Plumber in Columbiana must also ensure that problems such as the absence of TPR valve in the drain pipe, and incorrectly installed TPR valve discharge pipe, are prevented. The TPR valve which stands for Temperature-Pressure Relief valve is the most important security feature on your water heater and it must be properly installed and checked during water heater installation in Columbiana.
Without the proper installation of TPR valve, your water heater thermometer will fail to shut down the heat source after water has been heated, which means an explosion can occur when the temperature and pressure become uncontrollable. Mr. Rooter Plumbing will help you avoid serious TPR valve-related issue through an efficient and reliable water heater installation in Columbiana.
In what other ways can Mr. Rooter Plumbing help you install water heater properly
An electric water heater may suffer from too many issues, and that is why many homeowners are switching to tankless water heaters or the hybrid gas water heater. TPR valve issues are not the only issues that can be handled by Mr. Rooter Plumbing during water heater repairs in Columbiana, issues such as unprotected electrical cables can be easily ignored by some plumbers especially when they carry out water heaters repair in Columbiana. The electric cable that passes through the wall into the water heater must always remain inside the conduit to protect such wires from damage. During water heater replacement in Columbiana, our plumbers will take care of both the water heater in Columbiana and all electrical components attached, to ensure that there is no exposure to electrical risks.
In a typical old house, the electrical water heater may not be easily accessible for service, especially the water heater in Columbiana located in the attic where a technician can easily step on bottom chords and trusses. Mr. Rooter Plumbing technicians will help relocate your water heater in Columbiana from a prohibited location to a more accessible location for easy water heater replacement in Columbiana.
Mr. Rooter Plumbing offers 100% reliable and efficient water heater installation in Columbiana
While a gas water heater cannot be installed inside the bathroom, bedroom or any other prohibited area, to prevent gas-related issues, the electric and tankless water heaters must also be situated in non-prohibited areas during water heater replacement or water heater installation. Only a competent and certified plumber knows the best water heater installation location and procedure that will suit your needs, therefore do not hesitate to call Mr. Rooter Plumbing for your water heaters repair or installation.
At Mr. Rooter Plumbing we do ensure that we inspect your water heater system before we carry out the necessary water heaters repair, installation or water heater replacement. We ensure that we leave no room for any complaint, and that is why we do our job with utmost professionalism. Give us a call today and we will be right there to help you with your plumbing needs.